This is where you generate the call schedule. It is also the central card from a navigational standpoint (clicking the done button on other cards returns you here).
The top box is a message box, which Who’s on First uses at times to tell you what it is doing and is present on each card.
The large box is the main display box, and the wide, pop-up button below it controls what is displayed in it:
The key parameters; the number of total days, holidays, days to be assigned, and
weekdays and weekends; how the number of weekdays and weekends to assign to
staff was arrived at; and a key to the above.
Personalized Lists
Lists for each staff member of their calls, the number in each of four preference
levels, and the intervals between them; aggregate preference level and interval
information; and a key to the above.
Extra Info
“Misses” (potential conflicts with staff time off) and “individual assignments”
(each target date and eventual assigned date) (requires extra options to be
checked on the Parameter Card and these options to be chosen when generating
the call schedule, step 5).
The call schedule, which may be split into as many as three parts. If (any part of)
the call schedule is displayed, font size arrows are shown below the pop-up
button to allow you to show more or less of the call schedule in a smaller or
larger font.
Fine Tune Info
A record of the fine-tuning process, including any trades that are made. (An
option only on the Fine-Tuning Card.)
Go to the Staff Card.
Go to the Parameter Card.
Go to the Format Card.
do it
Generate the call schedule.
fine tune
Go to the Fine-Tuning Card.
fill in
Go to the Filling-In Card.
Data menu:
Open Staff
Resume with a staff file previously saved.
Open Parameters
Resume with a parameters file previously saved.
Open Assignments
Resume with assignments previously saved.
Save Staff
Save the staff information in a file.
Save Parameters
Save the parameters and format in a file.
Save Assignments
Save assignments (internally).
Save Displays
Save Calculations, Personalized Lists, Fine Tune Info, and Extra Info in
an output file.
--Staff Card--
This is where you enter information about staff.
The scrolling list on the right controls which staff member is displayed.
The done button returns you to the main card.
Types of information:
Staff member
The first name and, in parentheses, the last name (with Dr., etc., if you want).
Who’s on First uses first names except in the call schedule.
Home phone and Pager
Not necessary unless you want them displayed in the call schedule.
Weekdays and weekends done and extra to do
The number of weekdays and weekends that have been done so far (since these
fields were last Reset, see below) and that need to be done in the future to
exactly equalize the call taken by staff. Who’s on First automatically keeps track
of these.
Weighting factor
Used to calculate how much call the staff member takes. Hours/week can be
used, for example, to have half-time staff take half as much call as full-time
staff. A different value can be used if you want the amount of call to be based on
something different (for example, seniority).
Take second call
Whether or not the staff member takes second call. If you do not assign separate
first and second call, just leave the box unchecked. You check (and uncheck) the
box by clicking on it. If the staff member does take second call, the number of
second calls extra to do in the future to exactly equalize the second call taken
by staff is also displayed.
Days-of-the-week preferences
Indicated by the xs. The further to the right an x is, the better the day is for the
staff member. To move an x, just click where you want it to go. Clicking at the
far left completely rules out the day, which you can do but is not recommended.
Whether in or out of the office
Indicated by the name of the day of the week. CAPITAL LETTERS means the staff
member is in that day, small letters, out. Click on the name of the day
to toggle it back and forth. This distinction is necessary only if pagers are
shared, since in that case they need to be free on the last day staff are in the
office, to be picked up before the day they actually are on call.
Have to have off and want to have off
The lists of specific dates the staff member is completely unable to take call;
and could take call, but prefers not to, respectively. Examples are being out of
town; and having relatives visiting. You can type in specific dates (in the format
5/20/95, separated by spaces or returns). You can even type in one date “through”
another date. Or, you can click on a choose button to display a scrolling list of
Chose dates from the list by clicking on them. A chosen date is indicated with a
bullet (•). When you are done choosing dates, click on the ok button that
replaced the choose button.
Staff menu:
...the off (have to have off and want to have off) fields (do this each new
time period), the done (weekdays and weekends done) fields (do this
whenever you want to start the tallies over; we do this each year), other fields,
the scrolling list of staff, or the time period offered by the scrolling list of
dates you can choose from.
...the staff information, one staff member to a page.
...a new staff member (to the end of the list).
...the displayed staff member.
...a staff file previously saved (same as Open Staff in the Data menu on the
main card).
...the staff information in a file (same as Save Staff in the Data menu on the
main card).
--Parameter Card--
This is where you enter information about the time period for which you want to schedule call. If you have the demo version, you will not be able to change any of the parameters.
The done button returns you to the main card.
Types of information:
Start date
The first date to list on the call schedule.
Final date
The last.
Start assignments date
The first date Who’s on First will assign to a staff member. If it is not the same
as Start date, any dates between them will need to be pre-assigned by you. You
indicate pre-assignments by listing, in chronological order and separated by
commas, the numbers of the staff you pre-assign. For example, if Dick is 3rd on
the scrolling list, Harry is 4th, and Tom is 5th, and the first three
pre-assignments are Tom, Dick, and Harry, the pre-assignment list would be
5,3,4. Include in calculations is whether you want the pre-assignments to be
considered part of the current time period (check the box) or the previous one
(uncheck it).
The list of holidays, which you will have to assign manually (step 6). Enter them
in the format 8/14/95, separated by spaces or returns.
Last weekday of week
Depends on whether you consider Friday a weekday (in which case it is the last)
or a weekend (in which case Thursday is).
Extensions for a +
Tells Who’s on First how hard to try to find days of the highest compatibility. You
can experiment, but it works fine with "4 2".
Minimum separation
The closest you will allow two calls for one staff member to be. For example,
enter 5 for at-least-every-fifth-night spacing.
Extra options
Whether you want to have extra options when generating the call schedule (step
Parameters menu:
• Open:
...a parameter file previously saved (same as Open Parameters in the Data
menu on the main card).
• Save:
...the parameters and format in a file (same as Save Parameters in the Data
menu on the main card).
--Format Card--
This is where you indicate how you want the call schedule to look.
The top box is what will become the title of the call schedule.
The bottom box is an example of a particular day in the call schedule calendar. At the top is the day of the month. Below that is information about the staff member(s) on call that day. You indicate which types of information to display with the pop-up buttons to the right. The labels that are displayed in the call schedule are to the left.
The done button returns you to the main card.
Format menu:
...a parameter file previously saved (same as Open Parameters in the Data
menu on the main card).
...the parameters and format in a file (same as Save Parameters in the Data
menu on the main card).
--Fine-Tuning Card--
This is where you assign holidays and optimize how well the call schedule fits the preferences of staff.
The small box at the bottom is the list of assignments that still need to be done or could be improved. The format is:
date message name
where date and name are self-explanatory and message indicates the problem with that assignment and is one of:
date is a holiday.
off x
name either has (x = 0) or wants (x = 1) to have date off.
cmp x
date is not optimally compatible with name’s day-of-the-week preferences (x
is 0 = completely ruled out, 1, or 2; 3 = optimal).
sep x
date is x days away from another of name’s assignments, and that is too close
(i.e., is less than the minimum separation).
The done button returns you to the main card.
Fine Tune menu:
Under construction.
Display the weekdays and weekends initially calculated for and now assigned to
each staff member.
Look for a trade that will improve a current assignment, which you enter in the
format Oct 7.
Trade two assignments, which you enter in the format Dec 25 Jan 1.
Make a particular staff member (enter his or her first name) take call on a day or
days (enter in the format 8/31/96, separated by spaces).
--Filling-In Card--
This is where you fill in pager and second call information and save the call schedule in a file.
The small box at the bottom lists shared pagers (if any).
Fills in (first call) pager information. If any pagers are shared, Who’s on First
first works out a pick-up and drop-off schedule. If it is unable to allocate a
pager to a staff member who needs one, it informs you of who has the shared
pagers at that point and asks you to resolve the situation. It may be necessary to
have staff pick up pagers on days they usually are out of the office or to have
them borrow the personal (unshared) pagers of other staff.
second call
Assigns and fills in second call information. Second call is assigned roughly a
week at a time, from Monday through Sunday, with exceptions when the staff
taking first call take second call also and when more or less second call needs to
be taken to equalize the second call taken by staff.
Saves the call schedule in a file and offers to launch either Word or Word Perfect
for you.
Returns you to the main card.
Fill In menu:
• Execute Plan B:
A custom option for University of Chicago residents.